Food regional economic system of the Far East in the face of new external challenges

  • Латкин Александр Павлович

    Alexander P. Latkin. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Irina V. Zhupley

    rina V. Zhupley. Primorsky State Agrarian-Technological University. Ussuriysk. Russia


Abstract. This article studies the problems of the food regional system of the Far East of the Russian Federation in the theoretical and applied aspect. The authors introduced the concept of food regional economic system (FRES) and substantiated the need to introduce this definition into economic theory and practice; they emphasized the need to study the introduced economic category in the context of modern
threats and challenges inherent in the current stage of development of the national economy of Russia and its regions. The dynamics of the food regional economic system development indicators in the context of itsm socio-economic component and production base through the prism of threats and challenges in the period 2014–2022 was analyzed. Based on the results of this analysis, a reasoned conclusion is made about the formation of negative trends in most of the socio-economic infrastructure indicators of the macro-region's PRES. Due to the influence of risks inherent in the regional economic policy on the effectiveness of the tasks set by the regional economic policy, the authors present a classification of risks of the food system and propose to assess them indirectly through a system of indicators (the coefficient of actual food availability of regional origin with regard to rational nutrition standards (is the author's construct), the intensity and direction of structural shifts in food resources). The analysis of the values of the coefficient of actual food security found by the authors for the macro-region as a whole, as well as for a number of subjects of the Russian Federation within it (for Primorsky and Khabarovsk Krai and Amur Oblast), showed the pres-
ence of problem areas for almost all food groups under consideration (meat, milk, vegetables, fruits and berries). The general conclusion was made that the current state of the Far East food industry has a range of problem areas, for which there is a high probability of risks, in connection with which the state authorities together with private business need to exercise regulatory influence.
Keywords: Far East, food regional economic system, food security, infrastructural elements of the food chain, risk field, structural deformations/